Building a Professional Skillset with Whole Person Development

The personal aspects of Bloom’s Whole Person Development Method include how we deal with relationships and how we use our senses to make our lives more positive. Whole person development has room for the professional aspects of life, however, and the priorities we set for developing our skillsets from our Current Self to our Desired Self.

As executives and entrepreneurs, you want to know how Whole Person Development can help you build a professional skillset, better manage priorities, and give you more purpose in your career. It does this by refining your personal goals and planning your future, helping you define and pursue your definition of success. Both your professional and personal life will bloom as a result.

Your Career

For any entrepreneur, your career is an integral part of your definition of success. How you achieve success in your career depends on several factors in Whole Person Development, most of which center on how you think of your career and manage your priorities.

According to a study published in Career Development International, several psychological traits can be linked to increasing job success, including “self-monitoring, self-esteem, and optimism.” This provides a valid framework to suggest that our outlook has a tangible impact on our career performance. Identifying this outlook does not, however, help us define and achieve abstract ideas like “self-esteem.” That’s where Whole Person Development comes in.

Bloom’s method teaches a balance between our career purpose and our personal development in the hope that these two aspects of our lives can become linked rather than contradictory. We are already equipped with professional skillsets owing to our education and experience. But how we manage that experience is essential to pursuing success in Whole Person Development.

This requires understanding and achieving our own set of goals, which adhere to our motivations and develop our personal and professional lives at the same time. Whole Person Development offers practical advice on how to do this.

Your Goals

You can’t achieve your goals without knowing them. How do you define success? The more you can talk about this with yourself, the more you can create an accurate inventory of priorities. First, you must know what your priorities are.

This requires acknowledging your core values for work and for your future. The balanced mindset that Whole Person Development hopes to help you achieve results from not only being able to visualize your core goals and values when it comes to work, but to also reassess these values frequently. If your personal planning and time management priorities are helping you move your life closer to your definition of success, this means that those goals for success are also changing.

Our career purpose should not be static. In Whole Person Development, career goals are based on our individual definition of success. Understanding and working with this definition, rather than in spite of it, brings us closer to our goals and our Desired Self.

The Takeaway

Many aspects of Whole Person Development teach us how to have better relationships. Building a professional skillset based on our expectations for our career and our definition of success is no different. Doing this allows us to build mutual relationships, where working together is beneficial for both people and both of their goals.

However, the professional aspect of Bloom’s method prioritizes our own boundaries, definitions, and goals. Our career purpose is part of our expectations. Achieving it (or not) is what drives our self-esteem. This, as many research studies have shown, is integral to success in a career.

Bloom’s Whole Person Development Method promotes this success by helping us understand how we define it. Only then can our priorities serve our goals for success rather than impede them.



Meredith Wailes is the president of Bloom Leadership.

Her goal is to eliminate suffering in the workforce by creating exceptional value and growth for business and entrepreneurs.

For more information on how we achieve this please check out Bloom Leadership.

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